Monday, November 06, 2006

WSN application for Bridge Pier

This is an quick example on how WSN solution applied to Bridge. We deploy some WSN devices on bridge pier with a slope sensor after the site survey. These devices are used to detect if there is any abnormal slide of bridge pier.

The signal of slope sensor with raditional wired solution decays a lot if the length of bridge goes over 2km. Multi-hopping is useful in this case so the topology doesn't necessary to be star. With 3G/GPRS supported of gateway, mechanic is able to read all the meters of every bridge pier remotely. It cuts labor costs and solve the possible signal decay at the same time.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

ITRI ZB8 Platform

Originally uploaded by darkensiva.
This is one of the general WSN end node platforms from ITRI called ZB8. It has Chipcon CC2431 (with Figure8 Zigbee protocol), sensor extension interface, JTAG inteface, external antena socket, and is powered by a 9V battery.

Since this platform is designed for development purpose, lots of pin connectors are still on board for debug and test. It can be re-designed for various applications and also for mass production.

這是工研院整合的 WSN end node 平台 (ZB8). 硬體規格有 Chipcon CC2431 (配合 Figure8 Zigbee 軟體堆疊), sensor, JTAG, 以及天線延伸介面, 並且由一顆 9V 電池供電.

FFT Analysis

FFT Analysis
Originally uploaded by darkensiva.
This picture shows the frequency-domain results (0 ~ 300Hz) for x, y, and z 3-axis from sensor node on water pump. Raw data are logged for 30 seconds with a sensor node. Gateway receives raw data through RF protocol and process it with FFT.

圖示為經過 FFT 轉換的三軸結果 (0~300Hz). Sensor node 收集 30 秒的三軸震動加速度資料, 並傳回 gateway 進行分析運算.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Little Black Box for Motor Trembling Detection

WSN Demo 101
Originally uploaded by darkensiva.
Yes, a close up picture to this little black box with RF and sensor module. This device is a prototype platform for motor-trembling-detection project collaborated by National Taipei University of Technology and ITRI.

這就是小黑盒子的近照圖, 這個雛形平台是台北科技大學和工研院的合作計畫所產出.

Motor Trembling Detector

15館佈建 009
Originally uploaded by darkensiva.

This little black box is a RF enabled device with a 3-axis acceleration sensor. The big blue thing is water pump providing cooling water in fab plant.

This black box collects 30-second 3-axis acceleration data through sensor then transmit with a 2.4G RF module to a gateway for further FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis. The transmission topology can be either star or mesh and multi-hop relay is also supported.

這個黑色的小盒子是配備 2.4G 無線通訊能力以及三軸加速感測器的裝置. 收集到的震動資料可以透過無線通信的方式回傳至 gateway, 以進行 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform).

A little bit late, but better than nothing

For a long time, I'm looking forward to have a blog which is, of course, related to the WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) projects in ITRI. It's very important to have a blog thus people are able to commnet or send you feedbacks on what you are doing (or even what you are trying to do). Anyway, this blog starts a little bit late, but it's better than nothing indeed :-p

這個關於公司 WSN 計畫的 blog 或許是有點遲的開始, 不過總是比啥都沒有的來的好 :-p