Sunday, November 05, 2006

ITRI ZB8 Platform

Originally uploaded by darkensiva.
This is one of the general WSN end node platforms from ITRI called ZB8. It has Chipcon CC2431 (with Figure8 Zigbee protocol), sensor extension interface, JTAG inteface, external antena socket, and is powered by a 9V battery.

Since this platform is designed for development purpose, lots of pin connectors are still on board for debug and test. It can be re-designed for various applications and also for mass production.

這是工研院整合的 WSN end node 平台 (ZB8). 硬體規格有 Chipcon CC2431 (配合 Figure8 Zigbee 軟體堆疊), sensor, JTAG, 以及天線延伸介面, 並且由一顆 9V 電池供電.

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