Saturday, November 04, 2006

Motor Trembling Detector

15館佈建 009
Originally uploaded by darkensiva.

This little black box is a RF enabled device with a 3-axis acceleration sensor. The big blue thing is water pump providing cooling water in fab plant.

This black box collects 30-second 3-axis acceleration data through sensor then transmit with a 2.4G RF module to a gateway for further FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis. The transmission topology can be either star or mesh and multi-hop relay is also supported.

這個黑色的小盒子是配備 2.4G 無線通訊能力以及三軸加速感測器的裝置. 收集到的震動資料可以透過無線通信的方式回傳至 gateway, 以進行 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform).

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